The Dev Samaj (a unique religious movement) was founded in 1887 by the Most Worshipful Bhagwan Dev Atma. The fundamental objective of Dev Samaj is to make us more and more capable of promoting the cause of unique life mission of Bhagwan Dev Atma i.e. propagation of Truth, Beauty and Goodness in thought, speech and action among all classes of people, irrespective of any consideration of caste, creed, colour and country. The Dev Samaj endeavours to eradicate from the hearts of the people, as far as possible, such egotistic forces as vanity, hatred, self-will and selfishness and to evolve such altruistic feelings as compassion, gratitude and reverence. The Highest Evolution of mankind is the summum bonum of the Dev Dharma. Dev Samaj believes in the Science of moral and spiritual laws of the Soul. It employs the scientific method and accepts the scientific pattern of thought that Nature is self-sufficient in its working, and therefore we are not to go ‘OUT OF NATURE’ to understand any happening within it.
The founder of Dev Samaj, Bhagwan Dev Atma ji exhorts us to cultivate harmonious relationship with the four kingdoms − the Kingdom of the Inanimate, the Kingdom of Vegetation, the Kingdom of Animals and the Kingdom of Human Beings − through feelings of respect, appreciation and gratitude for the services rendered by all these four kingdoms. Under the strong Psychic influence of its Most Worshipful Founder, Dev Samaj took positive steps to build a social structure where women could enjoy respectable position, free from the gender bias. Dev Samaj organisation gives equal rights and status to women with men while adopting many social reforms in this regard like recognition of girl child, monogamy, widow-remarriage and dowry-less marriages. The Dev Samaj considers women education essential for their social, moral and spiritual upliftment. The Illustrious Founder set a golden example in his childhood when, feeling strongly that education was as much necessary for the girls as for the boys; he started teaching his two women relatives in the latter half of the 19th century. At that time women education was considered by the superstitious breed as involving the divine wrath. The venerable Founder of Dev Samaj realised that future of women lay in education. Education alone could open opportunity of enlightenment and independence for women. He wanted to regenerate mankind, and transform society through women education.
Bhagwan Dev Atma was the pioneer reformer who opened a High School for Girls at Ferozepur in 1901. The Dev Samaj Managing Council continued the educational work and at present the Dev Samaj Society is running about 26 educational institutions in the country. Prominent among them are located at Ferozepur, Moga, Ambala, Delhi and Chandigarh. These educational institutions hold a significant place on the educational map of Northern lndia. lt is a matter of immense pride that the college has completed 35 years of its meritorious service to the country in general and to the Union Territory of Chandigarh in particular, in the field of women teacher education. We are extremely grateful to the Dev Samaj Managing Council and the Managing Committee for its generosity, valuable guidance and inspiration in discharging our responsibilities despite heavy odds and difficulties. lt is hoped that with an inbuilt momentum, our institutions will continue to march onward to a better tomorrow in the service of the Nation.