The NCC unit of the college has an enrolled strength of 104 cadetsunder 1 Chandigarh Girls Battalion NCC. Cadets are groomed under the able guidance of Lt. Kesu Singh, Associate NCC Officer, the Best ANO of India year 2022-23.
We are proud to share that for the first time in the history of our college, two cadets, Under Officer Urvashi and Sergeant Nutan represented not just the college but the Punjab,Haryana,Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh Group at a national level at All India ThalSainik Camp held at Delhi Cantonment and won gold medals in shooting and map reading.
The college successfully hosted the Annual Training Camp for the battalion, in which 300 cadets from 10 schools and colleges of the tricity received training, and resided in the college premises for ten days in October 2023. The unit has a history of training the cadets who perform the best academically in B and C certificate exams with Alpha grading.
NCC cadets actively participated in the celebration of International Yoga Day, NukkadNaatak on PuneetSaagarAbhiyan, Kargil Vijay Diwas, HarGharTiranga Campaign, NukkadNaatak on Anti-Ragging, Breast cancer awareness Walkathon, Flood Donation Drive, Winter essentials distribution driveetc.
SUO NavyaTyagi and SGT Arshdeep Kaur cadets attended the Rock Climbing and Trekking Camp held in Uttarakhand in June 2023. SGT Poonam Singh Parkeeattended the Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Camp in Ropar, Punjab. SGT AnanyaPuriattended the Personality Development Camp in Jalandhar. SGT Nutan, Cadet Deepali, CPL Kusam cadets participated in the Independence Day Parade Competition and won the first position. SUO Navya, LCPL Pragya, Cadet Khushi and Cadet Jigmatparticipated in the Republic Day Parade competition and won the second prize. 10 cadets attended the Army Attachment Camp at Chandimandir, where one of them won the Best Drill award.